The Dog-G8 Company makes finals of the Pet Industry Federation’s New Pet Innovation of the Year Award


The Dog-G8 Company  make the finals of the Pet Industry Federation’s New Pet Innovation of the Year Award and secure new patent for their concertina dog gates.

Latest news from The Dog-G8 Company.

The Dog-G8 Company from Horsham who recently appeared on BBC One’s Dragon’s Den, is one of only 10 companies to make the finals of the Pet Industry Federation’s New Pet Innovation of the Year Award. The finals take place on 7 & 8 June at The Business of Pets Conference at Cranfield Management Development Centre, near Milton Keynes. As part of the final judging process Dog-G8 will have the opportunity to present their innovation to an audience of business experts, industry influencers and fellow business owners. The winner will also receive a trophy, PR coverage and the provision of a free year’s Sprintlaw Membership, valued at £400.

Their range of highly versatile, concertina gates that aid dog owners with training, prevent dogs from escaping, and reduce the potential risk of an attack on postal and delivery workers coming to the house have recently been granted a patent.

The Dog-G8 gate was the inspiration of Peter Maxted, the founder of the company who has been a pet sitter for over 20 years and a dog owner for the same amount of time. He was very aware of the risks associated with dogs at front doors e.g. escapes, attacks, thefts and although there were other gates on the market, he felt they were inadequate and ineffective enough to work for all breeds. He therefore decided to design and sell his own version so he could keep his and client’s dogs safer at the front door. Peter’s son Chris is also a director in the business and has been working alongside Merseyside Dog Safety Partnership and the University of Liverpool to raise awareness of dog attacks and their impact on delivery workers.*

For dog breeders who need to segregate their dogs in the house but also want to allow their dogs to be un-caged, the gates provide the perfect option. They will also keep puppies safe as well preventing them from escaping from a room.

The Dog-G8 product is British made and features a concertina, modular and retractable design. The product is incredibly versatile and can be used on multiple configurations ranging from the front door to stairways, hallways and many more. The gates modular design enables it to be spanned to any width, allowing the gate to be fitted to the widest of configurations such as patio doors where standard, conventional gates cannot fit.

The gate is made from mild steel, coated in chrome or white powder coat, bolted together with bespoke, customised clips which give the gate strength and durability.

When the gate is not in use it sits flat and compact to one side it’s neat, unobtrusive, and out of the way. Finally, it is removable, enabling it to be easily stored away or docked to other configurations such as the Stairway to the Doorway (if extra brackets are purchased).

The Dog-G8 can also be used in horse boxes, mobile home and caravans. When the gate is spanned across the entrance, this allows any motor home or caravan user to have their habitation door open, without the risk of their dog dashing out. The gate will provide dogs with much needed ventilation and offers great visibility.

The gate is excellent for when you’re parked up at campsites or beaches where perimeters cannot be formed but you wish to have the door open.

Since launch the company has seen massive growth and now sells directly to customer in the UK, Canada, United States, and Europe. The product went viral on Tiktok and Facebook attracting over 100 million organic views across all videos (search dogg8co to view) and they were the Theo Paphitis' Small Business Sunday Winner in March 2021

The Dog-G8 Company launched a taller version at Crufts 2023, alongside offering customers a range of new colours.

Commenting on the nomination for the award and the patent, Peter said,

“We are absolutely delighted to have made the final of the PIF Innovation Award and a big thank you to the team at Sweetinburgh & Windsor - Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys for helping us get this over the line!”

Chris Maxted Tel: 01403 560168/07887 515630

Prices start from £62.95 for a standard gate and come with a range of accessories, extensions and brackets.

The gates are available to buy directly from